限定 1,200部
420 x 297 x 30 (mm), 250p., A3変形
『きんぎょのひるね』 36p., B6

¥29,800 (税抜)

田名網氏のペインティングを中心に、あらゆる形態の作品をA3変形、250ページの大型本に収めQuo Psyche 魂の行は、形式にとらわれずに独自の表現を模索し続ける田名網氏の唯一無比のキャリアを俯瞰し、同氏の世界観を堪能するための、常識的な〈書籍の枠を超えた書籍です。田名網氏の作品にとどまらず、同氏の創造性をもパッケージすべ〈書籍というメディア形態の限界に挑んだ当書を、さらに前例なきものにするために、田名網氏たっての希望により芥川賞作家、朝吹真理子氏に小『きんぎょのひるね』を書き下ろしていただきました。『Quo Psyche 魂の行は、その独自性ゆえに限定1,200部のみのお届けになることをお許しください。





Focused on the paintings of Keiichi Tanaami, Quo Psyche (a large-format book with 250 pages in an A3 irregular size) encapsulates his works in their various forms. This volume offers a comprehensive view of Tanaami’s unique and unparalleled career, continuously seeking unique expressions unfettered by conventional formats. It is a book that transcends the usual framework of a "book," allowing readers to fully enjoy his worldview.

To further elevate this book, which challenges the limits of the book medium to encapsulate not only Tanaami’s works but also his creativity, the Akutagawa Prize-winning author Mariko Asabuki was commissioned to write the novel at Tanaami’s behest. Due to its distinctiveness, Quo Psyche will be available in a limited edition of only 1,200 copies. Thank you for your understanding.

*This book is scheduled to be shipped in the latter half of September.

*A short novel written by Mariko Asabuki is available only in Japanese. We will send the English version of this novel when it is ready. The shipping date is yet to be determined.

*Each individual is allowed to purchase only one copy of this book. If you wish to purchase additional copies, please reach out to us at contact@symbol.extreme-question.art.